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The Eye

 --- Lena had always been a music lover, with a passion that ran deep in her soul. She spent countless hours listening to records, lost in the melodies and rhythms that transported her to another world. But there was something special about the record on her eye in this image. It was as if the music had taken on a life of its own, infusing her very being with its power. As she gazed into the mirror, Lena saw a reflection of herself that was both familiar and strange. Her eyes seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, and the record on her iris seemed to pulse with a life of its own. She felt a sudden surge of energy, as if the music within her was about to burst forth in a symphony of sound. Suddenly, the room around her began to fade away, replaced by a swirling vortex of color and light. Lena felt herself being pulled towards the center of the vortex, where she saw a figure waiting for her. It was a woman, dressed in a flowing white gown, with a crown of flowers on her head. "W

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